It Starts At Home: 120 Days of Intentionality

It Starts at Home

Evaluate your level of intentionality over the past couple months. Then, create an intentionality game plan for the coming months.


Catholic adults who regularly pray with someone else (spouse, children, friend, etc)


confirmed Catholics who will leave the church within 10 years of their confirmation.


Catholics who do not believe God is “personal”

Inspiring Intentional Homes

The 120 Days of Intentionality Focus Area is about providing practical foundations to help you become more intentional about faith formation and faith habits in your home.

We encourage families to take Intentional@Home appraisal several times a year to help you assess how intentional you have been at home and what small steps you can take next. 

Click on the steps below to get started now!

How Have I Done?

Briefly evaluate your own level of intentionality
over the past couple of months.

What Will I Do?

Create an intentionality game plan for
your home for the coming months.

Get in Touch

(920) 231-9782
435 High Ave. Oshkosh, WI 54902